Monday, January 5, 2009

December Reflections

Hello to All, I'm very sorry for not having time to write to the blog during the month of December but as usual life takes twists and turns we simply have to adapt to. I'm so thankful that December turned out to be a Blessing. My daughter, Krystle, had pneumonia and was in the Winter Haven Hospital for three days. She returned home on a Saturday and I got a phone call letting me know that my mother had a seizure related to the Alzheimer's and was admitted to LRMC. I had gone to the doctor on Friday before Krystle came home and learned that I had bronchitus and within 2 weeks I ended up with something much worse but I can't remember what the doctor called it--the bottom line was "no lifting" for two weeks. He described it as bruising around the breast bone and inflamation similar to arthritus in the chest. I was so sore and still had not wrapped a thing for Christmas--THANKFULLY, I had my shopping done!! For me the blessing in all this was that I was able to help Chris with their three little ones while Krystle was in the hospital. She came home on the very day, I needed to be with my father--talk about God's Planning! I was then able to help my dad with my mom as she is not able to be alone. I know it sounds crazy but in a way it's a good thing my mother doesn't know what's happening to her any more. It used to frustrate her so much and it was hard to see her go through the anguish. Even with everyone having their own bouts of illness, we had a very nice family Christmas celebration the Sunday after Christmas. Everybody is well now and looking forward to this New Year and I'm prayerful that our economy and our new president will flourish and help America grow in a positive way. Wishing you all a Happy New Year!! Renette

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